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1.5 hr Financial Wellness Life Coaching Session – Human Mirror



90min FINANCIAL WELLNESS Life Coaching Session – Human Mirror

Do you need or know somebody that needs perspective or direction with Personal Finances?

Financial Confidence comes with mastery of more than just Finances. Own and grow your Wellbeing and your Financial Freedom by shaking and/or digging out some old roots. Harvesting the financial fruits to add to a joyous life, now and into the future.

Financial Freedom and Wellness are born and achieved when you can free yourself from the worry of the “what if”. Your mind and heart can then align, freely, as it is open to more possibilities. New choices will be made with relevant tools, unique to your goals and communicated to those relevant parties, to ensure complete alignment to your Financial vision for Today and Tomorrow. A Professional Coach assists in creating a set of Life Skills ensuring that “bounce back” factor when you do not align yourself internally and/or externally to that goal you are so committed to.  You will know exactly how to identify and shift back. No longer a victim to finances as you are taking full responsibility  whilst enjoying life.

What would you get from Life Coaching? A professional Life Coach  uses various methods to support individuals to determine and achieve personal goals.

  • You’ll learn exactly why the financial aspects of your life are not working the way you want it to.
  • We will clarify what you financial goals are, how they fit into the rest of your life goals & what you can commit to.
  • We will find & remove your hidden belief which drives self-limiting behaviour.
  • We will work on the “whole”, instead of an isolated area, because the barrier to success so often lie where least expected.

The 90 min introductory session will take place via a Skype Conference Call or one-on-one if in the Johannesburg/Pretoria region.