If you love golf but have not joined a golf club due to expensive golf club membership fees then this is a great opportunity to get all the benefits you need as a golfer without having to outlay a fortune.
Our membership will give you everything you need, including:
Affiliation with a recognised sporting group or body-affiliated member of the South Africa Golf Association (SAGA) through Sandonia GC.
Official SAGA golf handicap wiht the official Srixon handicap card (this card is your key to golf – giving you access to all courses and ensures that you are able to compete in corporate golf days and competitions due to your official handicap).
The SAGA handicap card can be used at all courses country wide depending on availability at the course.
Affiliated green fees at courses due to SAGA affiliation. (Saving you between R50 and R200 per round on the normal visitor rates).
As a PGC club member you will enjoy newsletters containing golf promotions, invites to golf days, regular competitions as well as golf tips and lessons presented by golf instructors.
As a member you will have your own golf handicap profile on www. where you can log in to enter scores and keep track of your handicap.
Discounts at affiliated driving ranges.
Terms and conditions
Upon completing this transaction, you declare the following:
My information as entered is true and correct.
I will adhere to the rules and regulations of the S.A.G.A and its affiliated golf clubs.
Conduct myself in a manner befitting the good name of the PGC.
Conduct myself according to the rules and etiquette of golf as outlined in the Royal and Ancient Rules Book.
Membership runs for 12 months from joining and can be renewed on an annual basis.
Membership or lessons cannot be redeemed for cash.
This offer can only be used to join the Players Golf Club as a new member and not for renewal or reactivation of current or expired membership.